TESS advanced Physics Manual Cobra4 Mechanics, Heat, Electricity / Electronics, (en anglais)

Numéro d'article: 01332-02 | Type : Capteurs et enregistrement des données

7e à 10e années , grades 10-13
Délai de livraison : En stock
151,80 EUR
Contenu 1

Experimental descriptions for the fieldsof mechanics, heat and electricity/electronics with the interface systemCobra4. In total 27 experiments aredescribed (student and teacher sheets)to the following topics:- mechanics: forces, oscillations (3experiments)- heat: thermal equilibrium, heattransfer, thermal energy, change ofstate (11 experiments)- electricity/Electronics: electricalresistance, power and work, capacitor,diode, electrochemistry, electricmotors, special components and circuits(13 experiments)DIN A4-file, in color, 180 pages