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Technical data

Human Pathology, Medium Set Part I, 40 microscope slides (New Version)

Item No. LIE-4100N

Function and Applications

4100N Human Pathology, Part I, 40 Microscope SlidesMiliary tuberculosis of lung - Anthracosis of lung - Croupous pneumonia - Cyanotic induration of lung - Chronic pneumonia - Chronic pulmonary emphysema - Necrotic (cheesy) pneumonia - Influenzal pneumonia - Myeloid sarcoma of spleen - Malaria melanemia of spleen - Myocarditis chronica acute recidivans - Amyloid degeneration of spleen - Adiposis of heart - Cardiac callosity - Cor villosum - Lymphosarcoma mediastini - Myxoma mandibulae - Erysipelas of spleen - Tuberculosis of lymph glands - Scirrhous carcinoma of thyroid gland - Fibroepithelial mixed tumor of parotid gland - Carcinoma medullare glandulae - Struma colloides - Miliary tuberculosis of liver - Parenchymatous and fatty degeneration of liver - Pigmentary cirrhosis of liver - Hemosiderosis of liver - Adenocarcinoma of colon - Colitis dysenterica Shiga-Kruse - Cirrhosis hepatis luetica - Carcinoma of liver, primary - Cyanotic atrophy of liver (nutmeg liver) - Hemorrhagic necrosis of liver (eclampsia) - Amyloid degeneration of liver - Brown atrophy of liver - Lymphatic leukemia of liver - Icterus hepatis - Necrotic oesophagitis - Parenchymatous degeneration of liver - Cavernous hemangioma of liver

The microslides are supplied in a slide box.

PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
Robert-Bosch-Breite 10 – 37079 Göttingen – Germany