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Technical data

Water Frog

Item No. SOM-ZOS-100

Function and Applications

Rana esculenta. After Christian Groß, Head of Biology Department (retired). Enlarged approx. 4 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. The dorsal side of the model is mounted on a green board and shows an anatomical preparation open at the ventral side of a male frog. Liver and stomach-intestine-tract are removable to show the position of the internal organs in stages. The abdominal side of the urinary and genital organs of a female water frog are shown on a supplementary model for comparison. Separates into 3 parts. Mounted on a green board.

PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
Robert-Bosch-Breite 10 – 37079 Göttingen – Germany